Cure floor with linseed oil process as per the previous method.
The forest how to build a second floor.
I just can t manage to build floors.
They can also be cut to create a hole for stairs by utilizing the hole cutter.
Try custom walls but yeah what.
How did you build your floors.
Should i build a blueprint of walls before.
So there you go there are many other ways to build a long wearing earthen floor other than these two methods but that s a start.
Custom floors can be used in custom buildings they can be placed on top on custom walls to create a second floor.
Basically we have been building a base looks like a house and have used basic walls stacked more basic walls on top.
If you build custom walls then one more set 2layer wall the auto button will be placing them for the second floor and you ll be first floorless xd.
Or should i completely build them.
I was told that i had to use the foundation instead of the custom floor but it permeates inside the ground or does glitchy things anyway.
When placing custom floors only the last point counts.
I go through it at a pace that will be easy enoug.
Nothing wants to clip and make a floor thanks maybe don t use basic wall sections.
50 tips tricks to help you with custom building.
You can use custom platforms to make floors as well but you ll need to leave spaces for areas you want to pass under.
This is goes through basic to some more advanced stuff.
As by v 1 12 custom floor can not prevent rain from entering the building.